Sunday, December 1, 2013


二十年後(にじゆうねんご) わたし は 家族(かぞく)と 中国(ちゅうごく)の北京(ぺきん) に います。

家族(かぞく) は きれいなうち に います。大(おお)きいうち が 欲(ほ)しいですが、北京(ぺきん)のうち は とでも 高(たか)いですから、大(おお)きいうち を 買(か)いません。

大(おお)きいうち より、きれいなうち のほうが 買(か)いたいです。

わたし は 本(ほん)が 好きですがら、本屋(ほんや) が 欲(ほ)しいです。本屋(ほんや)に いろいろな本(ほん)が あります。そして おもしろい漫画(まんが)が たくさん あります。可愛(かわい)い 鉛筆(えんぴつ) や ノート が あります。

わたしは 母(はは)と この本屋(ほんや)で 働(はたら)きます。父(ちち) は 本(ほん)が 好(す)きじゃありませんがら、この本屋(ほんや)で 働(はたら)きたくありません。父(ちち) と 母(はは) は とても元気(げんき) です。

月曜日(げつようび)から 金曜日(きんようび)まで 本屋(ほんや)で 働(はたら)きです。土曜日(どようび) と 日曜日(にちようび) に 家族(かぞく)に 公園(こうえん)を 散歩(さんぽ)します。時々(ときどき) デパートで 買(か)い物(もの)します。

北京(ぺきん)の夏(なつ) は とても 暑(あつ)いですがら、毎年(まいねん)の七月(しちがつ)から 九月(くがつ)まで、外国(がいこく)に 行(い)きたいです。

二十年後(にじゆうねんご)、わたしは 43歳(よんじゆうさんさい) です。もう結婚(けっこん)しました。でも、今(いま)まで、わたし は 彼氏(かれし)が いません。わたしの主人(しゅじん)は どんな 人(ひと) でせか。わかりませんよ。



  1. Hi! My name is Natsuki.
    Let me explain about my project. In our English class, we had a project that is to suggest new idea for example, new marketing style and new flavor to Amy's ice cream shop. Please evaluate my proposal.
    Hi. My name is Natsuki Mae. I am a freshman in Ritsumeikan University in Japan. I am in the international business administration at school.
    If I work with you in amy’s ice cream, I would like to suggest two new marketing strategy for you. It is making a new flavor in each season, so customers can enjoy different flavor in different time. For example, in April I recommend you to make cherry blossom flavor when cherries are in magnificent bloom. Also I suggest that making Yuzu sherbet in autumn. It is one of the common citrus fruits in Japan in this season. It tastes a little sour but smells really good. I think these flavors are unique in your country, but popular in Japan so I recommended. .Second one is to work over new idea of flavors with customers. That means collecting new plan of favors from them. It seems to me that this idea is good for both customers and employees because they can feel close relationship more between your company and consumers. These are my ideas.
    If I work with you, I stroke unceasingly for you and your shops to utilize my knowledge, new idea and my personality that can take positive attitude to everyone.
    Thank you.

    What do you think about it?
    Thank you:-)

    1. Dear Natsuki.

      I like your idea very much!!!!That's soooo great!!!
      Making a new flavor in each season is good!!!
      I like cherry blossom flavor very much.

      The second one is attractive. How about inviting some stars to make their favorite flavor. Their fans will be likely to buy those ice-creams.

      Good luck with your business!

  2. こんにちは

    I like your idea, LET’S INVITE STARS ;)
    That is absolutely true, and the fans must buy the flavor.
    I would like to say Thank you very much again. If you have something to ask about Japanese culture or something you are interested in I will help you to know.
